A good webhosting company will offer a range of services for their customers irrespective of whether you choose free or paid website hosting services. If you want to find a good webhosting company or VPS hosting service, here is what you should watch out for:
Most free web host companies list advertising on your website. This is because they need to recover working costs. The only way to do that is by featuring ads on your website that will pay off for them. Advertising does bring traffic to your site and it does increase site visibility and ranking on search engine pages to some degree, but ask yourself whether you want your site to be showing ads so your hosting company can make money, or whether you don’t want ads on there, or you’d prefer to benefit from the ad income.
Total Storage
Most websites use less than 1GB of space, which is usually more than enough for a small website. Your needs may vary though and you can easily opt for large packages for a small fee.
FTP or File Manager access
Ensuring you have access to upload files to your hosting environment at any time is key. Given the limitations of FTP access often being enabled with security (TLS), it’s often best to try to find a host with a solid file manager that allows easy drag-and-drop uploading of files as well as on-page editing with syntax highlighting for languages like HTML and CSS.
DIY Website Builders
Free and paid web hosting services allow customers to design their own page and their website. The cheap ones will use a cheap builder, like Wix or Weebly, while the quality web hosts will steer you towards a high quality website building platform like WordPress + BeaverBuilder.
Apart from these few basic points, you require a reliable webhosting service like Canadian web hosting company Websavers. This company offers fast service with very little downtime and plenty of storage for all their customers.
This post was updated in May 2021 to provide new information about web hosting.